Control lever

The various dimensions of Industrial Service Excellence influence certain performance aspects in different ways. As part of the Industrial Service Excellence Monitor the impact on four of these dimensions of performance will be analysed. This will enable you to exactly decide which control levers you want to use in order to reach your corporate objectives.

Industrial Service Excellence

Industrial Service Excellence means:

  • high-quality service
  • cost efficiency
  • being better than competitors
  • flexibility
  • active engagement of all divisions
Abbildung: Stellhebel zur Erreichung von Industrial Service Excellence

financial performance of the service business

Abbildung: Stellhebel zur Verbesserung des finanziellen Erfolgs im Servicegeschäft

non-financial performance of the service business

what does non-financial performance mean?

  • high customer satisfaction in regards to service quality
  • very good cooperation with customers in the service business
  • long-term customer relations
  • customer trust in the company
  • service customers refer to us as experts in the service business
Abbildung: Stellhebel zur Verbesserung der nicht-finanziellen Performance im Servicegeschäft

success of the product business

Abbildung: Stellhebel für die Förderung des Produktgeschäfts durch das Servicegeschäft

further analysis

please contact our research team!

Potential additional analysis and control levers:

  • industry-specific benchmarks
  • individual, operative and strategic measures in the various service-dimensions
  • company-specific analysis to identify the most significant control levers for ones own company, e.g. an "Impact Performance Map". This helps to identify those aspects of the company that have a particularly strong impact.