Contact companies


Do you want to export into a foreign market, but you don’t know anything about the service landscape?

Maybe try searching for companies in our database!

The Company Search enables you to use our database of companies (especially operating in NACE 26, 27, 28) to search for market participants in potential expansion markets. The main idea behind the provided search engine is to enable AMs to find potential customers, partners, or competitors in a market based on similarities in their service offering or web appearance to market participants in one’s home market.
Besides providing companies with information on market participants in the target market, the search engine is designed in a way that it is very easy to use. The only information needed from a user is the URL of his/her company website or the website of a domestic competitor/partner and keywords one wants to search for. The tool provides its user with results which can be taken as starting point for finding partners, competitors or customers which are similar to the ones in one’s home market.

Why not have them analysed with the Service Export Radar?

The tool is completely free to use and the subscription on the webpage also comes without any costs. As the search engine is in the development phase results may vary in their quality.

To receive more information on how to use the company search we kindly refer to our manual. (Link included)

Data from millions of companies in 10 countries
  • The results are based on websites of millions of companies and from many databases
  • Companies from Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovania, USA
Data protection is very important to us. All data will be treated anonymously and absolutely confidentially. You can find more information on this in our imprint.

In order to use the tool, please first login or register.